Become a Scholar

Each fall, students are nominated by high schools and community-based organizations for their leadership and academic potential. Posse partner colleges and universities award merit-based leadership scholarships to multicultural teams of 10 students each. These teams (Posses) attend college together.

Every year, Posse works closely with its network of high schools and community-based organizations to recruit Posse Scholars. Each Posse Scholar wins a four-year, full-tuition scholarship to attend one of Posse’s partner colleges or universities.


To be eligible, a high school senior MUST:

  1. Be nominated by their high school or a community-based organization.
  2. Be in the first term of their senior year in high school. Depending on the Posse city, nominations are often taken between the spring and early August before the new school year begins.
  3. Demonstrate leadership within their high school, community or family.
  4. Demonstrate academic potential.

The Posse Scholarship is neither a minority nor a need-based scholarship and is open to students of all backgrounds.

For more information on nominating a student, please go to the The Posse Foundation, Inc..